Friday, August 26, 2011

Adventure. Significance. Restlessness.

This was written a long time ago, but it's coming to me now, the need for adventure.

Restless. Restless. Restless.
Give me something more, please.
Life can't be just about...this.

Going out to meet a friend.
Saving grace of God.

19 Nov 2010, Friday, 1947hrs

I want to remember this moment when something in my heart is telling me which way to go and I know it's True North.

I love the story of Sinbad because it's a story of courage, valor, honor, adventure and love. The hero is an unconventional, smart-mouth, proud, slightly obnoxious sailor who is right at heart. He knows what he's about and loves the life he lives, and at the end of the day, he has the stuffing in him to give up his life when the story calls for it, only to find himself liberated through the sacrifice.

Then there's the beauty who does't sit around waiting to be rescued, but who dares to go out there and make her own story happen. She is bold and beautiful, smart and courageous, and at the end of the story she found the life her heart was pointing towards. And, of course, she found love.

The book of peace symbolically the peace of God that will someday reign unchallenged. But for now, Aries is out there attempting to spread her chaos, like the thief who steal, kills and destroys, exactly Aries' favorite sport.

Interestingly, despite all her chaotic powers, the one thing she couldn't do was over-power the moral strength and courage of good and honorable men. In order to bring about the reign of chaos, a larger plan than temporary destruction was needed. Instead of destroying the face of the city, she sought to tear down the fabric of the human world by removing strong, sound leadership. And that's where the real battles are - in the moral and spiritual realm. There's only so much damage the Enemy can do; with courage and strength, faith, hope and love, we have been granted the ability to rebuild our world. But when the moral fabric is torn apart, that kind of damage is much harder to undo.

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